James Taber is a writer, editor, and storytelling enthusiast. He graduated from University of Massachusetts Amherst (B.A., Comparative Literature & Classics) and Simmons College (M.S., Library and Information Science). He lives in Massachusetts.
James started playing D&D in the seventh grade and never stopped. He got his start as a Game Master in college, running Legend of the Five Rings. These days, though, his favorite tabletop RPG to play and run is the Star Wars RPG by Fantasy Flight Games. He was even given the opportunity to beta test the Edge of the Empire smuggler sourcebook, Fly Casual.
As for writing, he started creating sprite comics and writing fanfiction in eighth grade. He’s written several novel-length fics, including Metroid Renegade (Metroid), the Love and Eternity series (Mega Man X), and the Negative Halo series (Halo). He also wrote and published short stories and poems in college for the campus journals Jabberwocky (“House Call,” Spring 2010) and mOthertongue (“Catullus 70,” Spring 2011).
If you’d like to say hello or inquire about hiring him for freelance writing, editing, or research, send an email to hello (at) jamestaber (dot) com.